Movie #201 watched on 7/8/2019.
Director: Leena Pendharkar | Writer(s): Leena Pendharkar
I am definitely biased with my thoughts on this film as I have known Leena for a very long time. That being said there is sooo much in this film and I can’t wait to sit down with Leena and talk about everything. First, let’s talk about the film’s story being told out of sequence. That is a very risky and bold decision as it will alienate some viewers who only like sequential storytelling with obvious visual indicators (transition, color palate change, etc) alerting that they are watching a flashback (or flash-forward). I personally think it’s a great idea as it adds to the volatility, confusion, and stress of the situation. It puts us the viewers in an emotional state that in some small way mimics the emotional state of our two main characters Maya and Ronan. There are also a lot of shots in the film that help inform the story such as the scene towards the end of the film when they listen to the message from the doctor. They are both in bed and Maya admits to Ronan that the doctor called earlier in the day but she chose to not listen to the message so they can listen together. Anyone who has been waiting for an important call of this magnitude knows the feeling. The whole scene plays out without cuts as a continues shot with the camera outside of the bedroom window. So the viewer is figuratively and literally on the “outside looking in”. I could keep going but I absolutely loved it. Keep going, Leena!! Also loved the cameos from two favorite Mehta’s in the final “kids birthday party” scene.

Vía Letterboxd – Andrés Echevarria


Andres is a life long movie lover who had the crazy idea to try and watch a movie a day in 2019 and actually accomplished it. He created a blog to document his movie-a-day challenge adventure and as a place to continue talking about movies.

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