I had very low expectations for this movie and was very skeptical on how Neo and Trinity would be resurrected after “Revolutions”. I was actually ok with that part. It was actually another resurrection that bothered me more.

Overall, it was actually a fun movie and it was interesting to see what life was like after Neo had broken the cycle of the One.  I didn’t feel like we needed another Matrix but if it had to happen I’m glad it happened with the involvement of some of the originals. If they made another with just the new characters I wouldn’t mind. Visually it looked amazing so it would be cool to see where it could go from here.

Vía Letterboxd – Andrés Echevarria


Andres is a life long movie lover who had the crazy idea to try and watch a movie a day in 2019 and actually accomplished it. He created a blog to document his movie-a-day challenge adventure and as a place to continue talking about movies.

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