Author - Andres

Andres is a life long movie lover who had the crazy idea to try and watch a movie a day in 2019 and actually accomplished it. He created a blog to document his movie-a-day challenge adventure and as a place to continue talking about movies.

Kimi, 2022 – ★★½

Feels like someone made a modern day Rear Window on their iPhone. Zoe Kravitz is amazing in everything BTW. Even the so-so movies. Vía Letterboxd – Andrés...

Nobody, 2021 – ★★★★

This is most definitely male fantasy action porn and I am here for it. If I had the ability to cast myself as a badass action hero I think this is exactly how I would do...

Worth, 2020 – ★★★½

This is why I love cinema as a story telling medium.  I would’ve never thought that a movie about lawyers administering a victim compensation fund would be gripping...

Clean, 2021 – ★★★

So Adrien Brody made a movie. Like REALLY made a movie. He starred in the movie, co-wrote the script, wrote music and the score and produced the movie. Clearly a passion...