Overall I did enjoy my time with this film. My only problem is that there is too much of this film. It feels like it could have been at least 20 minutes shorter. Vía...
Author - Andres
Andres is a life long movie lover who had the crazy idea to try and watch a movie a day in 2019 and actually accomplished it. He created a blog to document his movie-a-day challenge adventure and as a place to continue talking about movies.
Feels like someone made a modern day Rear Window on their iPhone. Zoe Kravitz is amazing in everything BTW. Even the so-so movies. Vía Letterboxd – Andrés...
I’m such a Sorkin Stan. Uggh.
Vía Letterboxd – Andrés Echevarria
I had started this before when everyone was talking about it but unfortunately was not able to finish until today. I only bring that up because I wonder if it clouds how...
This is most definitely male fantasy action porn and I am here for it. If I had the ability to cast myself as a badass action hero I think this is exactly how I would do...
Nice trip down memory lane.
Vía Letterboxd – Andrés Echevarria
This is why I love cinema as a story telling medium. I would’ve never thought that a movie about lawyers administering a victim compensation fund would be gripping...
Oscar Issac is amazing as usual. Just not sure I am buying the redemption arc this movie is selling. It feels pretentious.
Vía Letterboxd – Andrés Echevarria
Kurt’s story was always destined to be a movie. This movie wears its “feel-good-movie” on its sleeve and I was ok with that. I enjoyed Kurt’s story when it was actually...
So Adrien Brody made a movie. Like REALLY made a movie. He starred in the movie, co-wrote the script, wrote music and the score and produced the movie. Clearly a passion...