Movie #205 watched on 7/16/2019.
Director: Rian Johnson | Writer(s): Rian Johnson
I love Rian Johnson but I had for some reason or another never watched this early work. This is not what I expected. I say that not in a bad way but as someone who feels like he stepped up onto the curb only to realize that the curb is not there. This movie is a modern noir detective mystery movie but set in a modern high school setting. This is reminiscent of Baz Lurhman’s Romeo+Juliet that uses Shakespeare’s exact dialog but set the film in a more modern aesthetic. In this case, the dialog is in the same style and cadence as old noir detective movies. At first, it’s a bit off-putting if you are not expecting it but once you realize what the film is doing it becomes easier to digest. At some point, I need to rewatch this with this in mind from the get-go. As far as the mystery presented, it’s interesting and almost comical at some points because of the high school setting. I need to rewatch and sit with this film before I truly figure out how I feel about it.

Vía Letterboxd – Andrés Echevarria


Andres is a life long movie lover who had the crazy idea to try and watch a movie a day in 2019 and actually accomplished it. He created a blog to document his movie-a-day challenge adventure and as a place to continue talking about movies.

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